
Second version of surveys and finished invitation letter

On the 29 February, 2008, we have a meeting with our superior for discussing the design of the surveys and the invitation letter. In addition, we have a new thing to do. It is the part of the research method of our FYP.

The second version of surveys are attached in this blog. The suvery 2 which is for the academic libraries which have not implemented wiki seems ready for interview. So there is no change in the survey 2. Besides, the invitation letter is attached in this blog for reference. Our personal detail, the research content and all others things are stated in the invitation letter. We hope that the universities library can finish the survey through e-mail because it is nore convenient.

Another new thing we need to start is the part of research method since it is important for each reserach. Researcher need to stated their research method clearly before doing the reserach. We have a part of "research method "in the mediawiki for our progress.

The next meeting will be on 4 March, 2008.

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